In this epsiode, Niaby shares her experience with Ayahuasca and plant medicines and also what she sees happening in these communities. Through her own experience with dream weaving and entities, she offers a unique perspective on this space. So much was covered in this episode of what to really be aware of and even Niaby's own shift in perspective when it comes to whether she should personally continue exploring with the medicine or not.

This is a new series exploring "The Other Side" to different aspects of the spiritual path and in this first part, we will be exploring "The Other Side of Psychoactive Plant Medicines." Growing in popularity and use in the West, plant medicines are known for their healing benefits but what is really happening when we digest these plants and is it beneficial for us? A question that can only be known through personal experience and still requires further research, this series explores the journeys of individuals who have delved into the world of plant medicines and walked out the other side with gratitude and without them.

What is it that they have learnt through their journeying? While so many promote the healing benefits of said plants, what is it that these individuals are beginning to know through their own experience?

This series is not to speak down on the healing benefits of plant medicines in any way whatsoever but more to be in gratitude for what was received and recognise that one's path can continue without them for our beneift. It's important to acknowledge where we are on our journey and where we are going bringing forth more clarity and highlighting another path.

This is a series, you can catch the whole series via our playlist and watch the INTRO to the series here:


Niaby is a dream weaver of the highest order, an honour given to her through the Merlin lineage that she serves. This means that she can enter a person’s subconscious, through the dream state, in order to help them to heal from any trauma that is stored in the deepest, darkest recesses of their mind.

Once a stockbroker in both London and Hong Kong, Niaby saw the light at the darkest hour of poor health and decided to walk a different path. A path that has led her to be of service to both spirit and humanity alike. 

Both a natural thought leader and a leader by example, Niaby helps to guide the way through the ascension process. She has recently been ordained with the title of Transcended Master and uses her divine authority, wisdom and knowledge to help to activate others into and through their own ascension process. 

Through her abilities as a healer, an evidential spiritual medium, a dream weaver and an intuitive life guidance coach and mentor, she hopes to inspire people to find the power to heal themselves, so in turn, they too can inspire others to do the same.

Niaby hopes to gently inspire consciousness in others, not by telling them how to think, but rather by provoking thoughts in people that may not have been previously provoked, then allowing the seed of consciousness to grow.

She is the author of 'The Spirit of Life' book and is also the host of 'The Spirit of Life in Ibiza' podcast.